World-Renowned Faculty & Excellent Funding Opportunities

Yefe Nof MFA Residency at Lake Arrowhead
Write in Peace
The Yefe Nof MFA Residency is an opportunity for one graduating student from our program to spend two weeks in the solitude of Lake Arrowhead for the purpose of finishing a major writing project. Graduating students from all five disciplines are invited to apply.
What is Yefe Nof?
Yefe Nof is a secluded place in the mountains where writers, researchers, and designers bring their projects for the final stage of execution, one resident at a time. This annual competition offers an opportunity for a variety of authors to become reinvigorated by the mountain air and experience the lake while pushing their work to completion. For more information about the location, visit
Residency Schedule and Goals
The Yefe Nof Residency takes place for two weeks in late June and early July . During your stay, you’re encouraged to see your work differently, think more diversely, and be more open to advancing the genetic code of your own material within a more spontaneous context.
Yefe Nof is collaborative in the sense that there is an interaction between ideas. All residents — whether they are expressing what they believe to be true and complex, reminding us of the deep beauty and multilayered poetry in the world, or speculating about the future — have the potential to cultivate their creations in a generative manner. The final products are collected in the house and build upon each other in an evolving idea network.
The residency offers you a space conducive to focused, goal-oriented work. You are at liberty to structure your own time and activity. You have full use of the living accommodations and workspace with a full range of modern conveniences. You are responsible for your living expenses during your stay.
When to Apply
Apply now! Summer Writing Residency Opportunity - Don't Miss Out!
One 2-week residency for a graduating MFA student, June 16-30. Apply by May 15!
It's an incredible sponsored opportunity to write in the beauty of a mountain retreat near Lake Arrowhead, free from distractions and ideal for being able to fully focus on your work. Once you read all the information on the link, if you still have questions, feel free to reach out to Gil Stoltz,
*The program announces the application opening early in the spring quarter to all active MFA students.
How to Apply
Applications are accepted through Submittable.
The application consists of a:
- Project description
- Work plan
- Short-answer questions
- Curriculum vitae or narrative bio
- Work sample
- References
Applying is free.
All applications must be in English.
Applications that are incomplete, corrupted or submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
If you need technical support, please contact Submittable’s help desk at, (855) 467-8264, ext. 2 or by
The Selection Process
- Our panel of judges will take the strongest work with the project plan that is most likely to be implemented within the time constraints.
- To ensure the quality and diversity of the selections, each submission is considered by several judges.
- Only submissions which meet all terms and conditions outlined on this page will be considered.
- By entering this competition, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions.
- Your identity is withheld from judges throughout the process.
- No editorial feedback or notes will be provided.
- If you have been selected, you will be notified by May 15 via email.
- The judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the judging process.
Yefe Nof Policies
AWARDS: A rotating committee of experts and professionals in the arts and humanities independently review applications and supporting materials. Final awards of residencies are at the discretion of Yefe Nof.
CHILDREN: Accommodations for children and family members are provided, but the resident is expected to use the two weeks for working alone without any hindrances.
PETS: Dogs are allowed at Yefe Nof only if they remain outside at all times. There is a corral and igloo home for two medium-sized dogs and plenty of ground to cover on walks. Dogs are not allowed in the house. No other pets are allowed.
VISITORS: Accommodations for visitors are available at many local hotels, motels and lodges.
LOCATION: The Yefe Nof Residency is located in the San Bernardino Mountains, eighty miles (130km) east of Los Angeles, thirty-three miles (54km) north of Riverside. Set in the cozy Crest Park neighborhood, minutes away from Blue Jay and Lake Arrowhead, the original cabin was redesigned into a house that takes full advantage of the alpine backdrop in a unique California combination of seasonal light and sky.
FACILITIES: Residencies offer the space conducive to focused, goal-oriented work. Residents are at liberty to structure their own time and activity. Each is offered full-use of the living accommodations and work-space with a full range of modern conveniences. Residents need to bring their own writing materials and laptops. Areas inside and outside are expected to be maintained by the resident during their stay.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT: At present, no stipend is awarded to residents. Residents are responsible for their own transportation, personal living expenses, food and beverage, some supplies, telephone charges and any expenses related to the production of work during the residency. Travel and shipping expenses to and from the Yefe Nof Residency program are also the responsibility of the resident. There is no home mail delivery services, so arrangements should be made in advance to send through the Lake Arrowhead USPS.
CONTRACT: All residents will be asked to sign a standard residency contract to cover the house.
DEPOSIT: A $500 deposit is due in two installments after notification. This is only to be withheld in the event of cancellation or excessive financial or material damages. Within two weeks of receiving your agreement a $250 deposit is due to hold your spot at Yefe Nof. Receipt of this deposit confirms your registration. The balance is due within thirty days of the residency start date. The deposit is returned within two weeks of departure from the residency program. There are no fees charged for the residency.
CANCELLATION: If a resident cancels a residency reservation more than 21 days before the residency start date, they forfeit the $250 registration deposit. Cancellation less than 21 days before the residency start date means the resident forfeits the registration deposit and is assessed a withdrawal fee of $250 for the place they reserved.
SMOKING: Yefe Nof is a smoke-free environment.
PRIVACY: All application materials and work samples are confidential and retained for use of the Yefe Nof Residency only.
LEGAL: Compliance and Liability: Assurance of compliance: By submitting the application form, the applicant certifies that they are in compliance with the statutes outlined above and all related YNR regulations and will maintain records and submit the reports that are necessary to determine compliance. Upon taking residency, you will be held liable for the contents of the house, and for leaving the house the way that you found it after your term of accommodation.
RELEASE: In the event that you are personally harmed during your stay at YNR, due to seasonal weather or any other natural or human circumstance, the Soltz family, those who comprise the selection committee, or anyone associated with the organization of YNR are not responsible for covering the costs to redress the situation.